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9 Mind Blowing Benefits of CBD Oil for Pain, Anxiety, Inflammation and more


2 MONTHS AGO  151K  0


CBD oil is a great remedy for a lot of different ailments. Here are some of the amazing uses people (and medical research) report for CBD oil:

1. Relief for Chronic Pain
Those suffering from chronic pain from diseases like fibromyalgia are finding relief with CBD. Taking CBD can reduce chronic pain and can even prevent nervous system degeneration. In fact, it has been approved in Canada for multiple sclerosis and cancer pain.


2. Calms Childhood Epilepsy
CBD has anti-seizure properties that have been shown to successfully treat drug-resistant children who have epilepsy (with no side effects!). In one study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, CBD decreased frequency of seizures by 23 percentage points more than those taking a placebo.


3. Reduces Anxiety and Depression
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, depression affects 6% and anxiety affects 18% of the U.S. population each year. Research shows that CBD oil can help with both.
CBD has been shown to reduce levels of stress and anxiety in those suffering from conditions such as PTSD, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder.


4.Reduces Inflammation
Chronic inflammation is a huge problem in our society that contributes to many non-infectious diseases including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disease, and more, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Research also shows that CBD oil can reduce chronic inflammation that leads to disease.


5. Reduces Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress is responsible for many ailments today. Oxidative stress is when the body has too many free radicals and can’t keep up with neutralizing them (with antioxidants). This is more of a problem now than in the past because our environment is so much more toxic than it once was. CBD can help reduce neurological damage caused by free radicals.


6. Promotes Healthy Weight
Cannabidiol can help maintain healthy blood sugar, stimulates genes and proteins that helps break down fat, and increase mitochondria that helps burn calories.

Additionally, did you know that cancer cells thrive in acidity?Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment but cease to exist in Alkaline environments.

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7. Improves Heart Health
A healthy diet and lifestyle is a top priority for heart health, but CBD oil can also help. According to research cannabidiol reduces artery blockage, reduces stress induced cardiovascular response, and can reduce blood pressure. It may also reduce cholesterol.


8. Improves Skin Conditions
CBD oil can be used topically to treat skin conditions. Studies show CBD oil can help treat conditions like eczema by encouraging abnormal cell death. It can also help regulate the skin’s oil production, reducing acne. CBD also contains many nutrients like vitamin E that help improve and protect the skin.


9. Fights Cancer
CBD oil’s role in cancer treatment still needs more research, but what is available is looking promising. According to the American Cancer Society, CBD oil can slow growth and spread of some kinds of cancer (in animals). Because it fights oxidative stress and inflammation (and both are linked to cancer) it makes sense that CBD oil could help fight cancer cells.


Browse our collection of CBD products including CBD oils and CBD capsules to choose witch one will be right for you. GO HERE...



Cannabis Oil Cures 80-Year-Old Dentist of Stage 4 Metastatic Lung Cancer

June 3, 2018













Who Do You Believe? The trillion dollar cancer industry — which claims that chemotherapy and radiation kill cancer cells, save lives, and boost long-term survival rates in terminally-ill cancer patients; OR people who fight and survive cancer — not because of chemotherapy-based cancer ‘treatment’, but because of cannabis oil-based therapy?


Why Should You Believe? While chemotherapy stimulates healthy cells to produce a protein that supports tumor growth and makes the tumor cells resistant to further cancer treatment, the primary psychoactive component of cannabis (TetraHydroCannabinol or THC) causes tumor cells to commit suicide while leaving healthy non-tumor cells unharmed.


The Success Story

In 1989, 55-year-old Stan Rutner — then retired dentist running a lucrative mini-storage business — was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. After six months of aggressive and toxic standardized allopathic treatment, Stan was cured; he heaved a sigh of relief since his cancer was in remission. However, he was fighting cancer again in 2011; this time he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with metastasis to the brain.

After telling him that “Stan was in deep shit”, doctors began to ‘treat’ him with chemotherapy and radiation, gave him just weeks to live and ordered him to take refuge in a hospice; which he entered on August 12, 2011. Barb Rutner, Stan’s wife, recalls:


“Shortly after treatment began, Stan was riddled with weight loss and chronic nausea, debilitating fatigue and was wasting away. After that he was wiped out. He was very thin. So we finished radiation to his brain on June 25, and on July 13 he entered the hospital for the first time with radiation pneumonitis (inflammation of the lungs due to radiation therapy). There were three hospital visits during that time, and on the third they kept him for a week and started him on oxygen 24/7. And then he went into palliative care.”

In an attempt to explore all alternative treatments possible to delay Stan’s somewhat ‘inevitable’ death sentence, the Rutners tried Reiki energy treatments, acupuncture, and even creative visualization; yet nothing worked. That’s when John Malanca, Stan and Barb’s daughter, Corinne’s soon to be husband, looked for cannabis as a possible treatment option to ease Stan’s pain. Stan was dying and had nothing left to lose, so he was ready to give Cannabis ago.


Barb explains what ‘treatment’ was meted out to Stan:
“Corinne and John were becoming interested in medicinal marijuana but we were concerned that Stan was wasting away. He had lost so much weight and so we were anxious to get his appetite improved and help him with nausea. So Corinne suggested daytime cannabis capsule infused with coconut oil; they’re yellow capsules that he started taking. He started taking those in early November of 2011 and in the beginning, he took about a third of a capsule in the morning, and it was about a week or two later that he was able to give up the extra oxygen that he had had 24/7.”


In just a couple of weeks of starting cannabis, Stan witnessed an incredible turnaround. He gained weight, ditched his walker, dumped his 24/7 oxygen; began exercising, and started getting sound sleep. On January 27, 2013, Stan’s brain MRI showed no evidence of recurrent disease: the stage 4 lung cancer, which had metastasized to his brain two years ago and almost taken his life, was gone. At 80, Stan’s cancer is still in remission…















Dave Mihalovic, a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a holistic approach to cancer treatment, notes:

No chemotherapy drug has ever actually cured or resolved the underlying causes of cancer. Even what mainstream medicine considers “successful” chemotherapy treatments are only managing symptoms, usually at the cost of interfering with other precious physiological functions in patients that will cause side effects down the road.”


The Success Story II


Stan is not alone. When the 3-year-old Landon Riddle was diagnosed with Leukemia, doctors gave him only 48 hours to live. After Landon’s grandmother suggested that they look into cannabis oil treatment, the family flew to Colorado where cannabis oil treatment was legal. In just days, Landon’s cancer was in remission. Sierra Riddle, Landon’s mother, says:


“It is atrocious that anyone on the planet would be charged for choosing cannabis over pharmaceuticals. Having a sick child is a battle in itself, but making this choice is a whole new world. You’re going to need thick skin, intuition, and a solid team. Don’t waste time making sure every other pharmaceutical does more harm than good. If it feels wrong in your gut, it’s probably wrong.”


Browse our collection of CBD products including CBD oils and CBD capsules to choose witch one will be right for you. GO HERE...

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